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Awarding funds thanks to players of
People's Postcode Lottery

Blackburne House

Blackburne House is a Liverpool-based charity that supports the development of local, and often vulnerable, women.

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Bloomsbury Football Foundation

Bloomsbury Football is a charity using the power of football to improve the lives of underprivileged young people in London.

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Brighton & Hove Food Partnership

Brighton & Hove Food Partnership help people improve health, wellbeing and skills through food activities.

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Carefree transforms vacant accommodation into vital breaks for unpaid carers.

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Cook for Good

Cook for Good tackles food poverty and social isolation through a place-based food and cookery programme that brings communities and business together to deliver social impact.

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Cyrenians is a charity aimed at tackling the causes and consequences of homelessness.

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Discover Children's Story Centre

Discover is an award-winning interactive story centre providing creative, play and learning opportunities for children.

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Down to Earth Project

Down to Earth Project believe relationship-centred and meaningful, outdoor experiences have the potential to change people’s lives. They achieve these goals through a variety of innovative and inclusive programmes.

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Eat Sleep Ride CIC

Eat Sleep Ride is a vibrant social enterprise that blends equestrian services with community enrichment programs.

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Eco-Cascade CIC

Eco Cascade - based on the west coast of Scotland - provides a primary processing service for seaweed producers and buyers.

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Expert Impact

Expert Impact social entrepreneurs to succeed through mentoring and a speakers agency.

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Fashion Enter Ltd

Fashion Enter’s mission is to pioneer sustainable, compliant, and ethical UK garment manufacturing and to create a circular fashion model that embraces technology and eliminates waste whilst fostering creativity.

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Football Beyond Borders

Football Beyond Borders supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds who are passionate about football but disengaged with school, in order to help them stay in education.

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Goldfinger design and craft beautiful furniture for homes and businesses. Everything they make and do has a positive impact on their community and the planet.

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Green Hive

Green Hive are a thriving and sustainable community hub supporting local people with a focus on environmental solutions.

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Habitat for Humanity GB

Habitat for Humanity Great Britain (HFHGB), a member of global housing charity Habitat for Humanity International, has a vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

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Jericho Foundation

The Jericho Foundation supports people who are marginalised by society and facing barriers to employment. They run a diverse range of social enterprises and social projects which create positive change in communities.

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Lighthouse Futures Trust

Lighthouse Futures Trust are an innovative, specialist college that helps young neurodivergent people develop the skills & confidence to move into sustainable, paid employment.

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Lighthouse Pedagogy Trust

Lighthouse Pedagogy Trust is a charity that creates children’s homes where children can thrive.

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Living Places

Living Places is an environmental consultancy that works collaboratively to advance the development, design, funding and delivery of community-focused, place-based models for a just, net-zero transition.

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London Early Years Foundation

London Early Years Foundation (LEYF) is a registered charity with a social purpose to give London’s children the best start in life through the highest quality Early Years education.

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Micro Rainbow

Micro Rainbow International’s vision is to create a world where LGBT people are free from discrimination, persecution and have equal opportunities in life.

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MiMe Heuristics CIC (The Wildings)

The Wildings is a unique, not-for-profit Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) school.

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National Migraine Centre

The National Migraine Centre (NMC) is the UK’s only charity dedicated to providing diagnosis and treatment for one in seven people and up to one in ten children who suffer migraine and other primary headaches since 1980.

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NEMI-Community CIC

NEMI-Community sells teas and coffee to customers whilst giving refugees full-time employment & work experience.

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Offploy is a social enterprise formed by ex-prisoners to help those with convictions secure employment and lead a positive life.

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Oxford Wood Recycling

Oxford Wood Recycling's mission is to address the wasteful attitude towards wood products in the UK by providing alternative waste management solutions. They achieve this whilst providing employment opportunities for people facing disadvantage.

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Purple Shoots

Purple Shoots tackles poverty and unemployment in by encouraging entrepreneurship, economic independence and self-reliance.

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RSPB Scotland

RSPB Scotland is part of the RSPB, the UK’s largest nature conservation charity, inspiring everyone to give nature a home. Together with their partners, they protect threatened birds and wildlife to help our towns, coast and countryside to flourish with wildlife.

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School for Social Entrepreneurs

School for Social Entrepreneurs equip people to transform their communities and improve the lives of others.

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Seable’s mission is to provide accessible tailored holidays to the visually impaired community - offering inspiring and inclusive trips that improve well-being, increase self-esteem, help reduce isolation and establish new long-lasting relationships.

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Social Enterprise UK

Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) is the UK’s membership body for social enterprises. They lead the world’s largest network of businesses with a social purpose who together are helping to create a fairer economy and a more sustainable future for everyone

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The Glasshouse

Glasshouse’s mission is to reduce re-offending rates and improve the life chances of women leaving prison.

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Urban Biodiversity

Urban Biodiversity is a not for profit social enterprise that aims to reduce social deprivation by developing urban sites into places that offer community benefit and a fair chance for all.

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Vehicles for Change

Vehicles for Change makes it possible for disabled young people and adults to take part in everyday activities, enjoy new experiences and make memories with family and friends.

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Volunteer It Yourself

VIY challenges young people aged 14-24 to learn trade and employability skills through helping to fix local community facilities in need of repair.

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We are Juno CIC

We are Juno CIC are creating a network of high-quality, not-for-profit homes that transform opportunities for children growing up in the care system.

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WYK Digital

WYK Digital is a social enterprise with a mission to widen access to digital jobs for underrepresented young people.

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YMCA Newcastle

YMCA Newcastle support young people and the community by providing activities that support beneficiaries to overcome the barriers to a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.

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YMCA Plymouth

YMCA Plymouth are an inclusive charity that support young people and the wider community with services in training & education, health & wellbeing, youth work, and specialised activities for people with additional needs and medical conditions.

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