Social investment programme

Postcode Innovation Trust’s Social Investment Programme has been created to provide sustainable funding for social enterprises that are looking to increase their social and environmental impact.

The programme supports social enterprises within Great Britain that are asset locked, have social mission embedded into their articles and are looking to achieve impact in the following areas:

1. Social inclusion

Social inclusion is the process of reducing inequalities amongst groups that are disadvantaged or excluded from society. For instance, there is a broad range of available data on various disadvantaged groups that evidences their social exclusion e.g. young people living in care, people with disabilities, people who are homeless etc. Social enterprises have a key role to play in supporting these groups to become more included within society and to enhance their life chances by providing employment and training.

Social inclusion

2. Community development

Community development is the process of supporting communities to take collective action to tackle the challenges they face. Community wellbeing (economic, social, environmental and cultural) often evolves from collective action being taken at a grassroots level and social impact can be achieved in this area by strengthening communities to solve their own problems and become more resilient.

3. Environmental improvement

The Programme supports social enterprises that are involved in environmental improvement and conservation as well as those that link the environment to improving people’s wellbeing.

Postcode Innovation Trust is an impact first investor and will only allocate funds to a social enterprise if they can demonstrate clear routes to achieving social and/or environmental impact through their business activities. The Social Investment Programme operates on an invite only basis and does not consider unsolicited applications.

Environmental improvement