Social enterprise EDGE award

The Postcode Innovation Trust works in partnership with the Scottish EDGE - Scotland’s leading competition to identify and support the nation’s most promising entrepreneurial talent - to fund the Social Enterprise EDGE Award. 

The EDGE Award provides blended grant and loan funding of up to £100,000 for winners of the award, which forms part of the Scottish EDGE competition. It is open to asset locked social enterprises whose work enriches communities and makes a contribution to society, tackling social and environmental problems in Scotland, nationally or abroad.

Scottish Edge Social

Since 2018, Postcode Innovation Trust have helped to fund nine social enterprises through this programme:

  • The Turing Trust - The Turing Trust supports education in sub-Saharan Africa by reusing computers and improving teacher pedagogy. They provide skills development in the UK whilst reducing waste and contributing to an environmentally friendly society.
  • GoodCall CIC - GoodCall is the only dedicated mobile phone supplier that helps charities and social enterprises to find low cost mobile phone services so that they can focus on making a positive difference to the lives of others.
  • Eat, Sleep, Ride - Eat, Sleep, Ride is a social enterprise targeting people experiencing mental health problems, those that have suffered abuse, lived in areas of high deprivation and other challenges such as drug/alcohol addiction through their horse riding school.
  • River Garden Enterprises - River Garden Enterprises provides a training and social enterprise development centre for people in the early stages of recovery from drug and/or alcohol addiction.
  • Brave Strong Beautiful CIC – Brave Strong Beautiful is a social enterprise hairdressing salon who support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to gain employment while providing quality hairdressing.
  • Well-Fed Scotland CIC – Well Fed Scotland were established in 2017 to alleviate food poverty and social isolation in the west of Glasgow. They have since grown into a thriving social enterprise that creates enormous social and economic impact with and beyond their community.
  • Animalia Apparel – Animalia are a combat sports clothing company that delivers community programmes focusing on physical activity and mental resilience.
  • Social Stories Club – Social Stories Club was founded by two entrepreneurs with a shared passion for social impact, gifting and storytelling. They introduce people to social enterprise products through their array of sustainable gift hampers.
  • The Whisky Chairmen –  The Whisky Chairmen tackles poverty and social isolation through a zero-waste manufacturing business. They source barrels that have been retired from the whisky process,  save them from becoming firewood and use them to create sustainable furniture. 
  • KO-NEKT CIC - KO-NEKT are a childcare social enterprise that offer flexible day and night support service for children and young people who have autism spectrum disorder or special educational needs aged 5-18yrs.
  • Rhyze Mushrooms - Rhyze Mushrooms are a community mushroom farm and education project. They grow mushrooms from waste and teach others the skills to do so too.
  • Stitch the Gap CIC - Stitch the Gap deliver employability skills and environmental impact at the grassroots of the community by teaching the sewing skills to repair, reuse and repurpose textiles.
  • Smart Gym - Smart Gym is a low-cost, family-friendly gym. They offer a free crèche service and older children can workout with their parents.